Monday, November 24, 2008

Warning Unknown Alien sighted!

Okay. Every once in awhile I have spotted an unknown alien that looks back at me from my mirror. This weekend she was spotted. 

On Saturday morning at 11 am she was spotted getting annoyed at her son's soccer coach. Then later at 1pm she was getting testy because she had not been able to feed herself yet. 

On Sunday she was once again spotted at 12:30 pm while getting ready for church. She had finally gotten the baby to sleep when her adorable son (who just watched you lay her in the car seat...asleep) then goes into another room to yell (something about something you can not even remember) at the top of his lungs which wakes up the baby. And at this time you are having trouble remembering that he is only four years old.

I must admit that I was not at my best this weekend. Chris and Karstin were very patient with me. I think the both decided to give this alien space and do their own thing. This of course saved them from further interaction with the alien. Man they are smart! 

There have not been any new reported incidents in the last twenty four hours. Hopefully we have seen the last of this alien.

Sincerely yours,

Dedicate citizen to protecting the world against Unknown Aliens ~;o)


Anonymous said...

Hey hey...I have seen this alien...It visited my parents house once a long time ago when I lived there...And on occasion at RMHS...hahahahaha...I think we all have one of these aliens inside us! Mine must have been out yesterday cuz Justin sent me to the movies!

Quader's said...

Wow there must be a few aliens roaming the earths surface. I have seen an alien stare me back in the mirror and snarling it's three heads at my 2 & 4 year old.. We must vow to catch these aliens and trap them!!! :)

TheLittleDavisFamily said...

Ha! I think I can definitely relate to you alien! :) I'm curious, how did you add the pictures and title to the top of your blog? I really want to add one, but I can't figure out how. I hope you and your family are doing well!!

Celeste B. said...

I have an alien too some times...but it is a teenager. ;-) And, sometimes we are visited by more than one.

Heather said...

Ha ha... I think there might be one at my house too!

It was fun seeing you last night! Hopefully, we get a chance to see each other again before we leave.