Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hilary Weeks "My Favorite Things"

 Okay My sister Celeste had this on her blog. I got a real kick out of this. There are days that I feel just like this!


Janelle said...

Cute! I love her. I was able to semi meet her at a Time Out for Women a few years ago.

wendilee said...

Some reason I really needed to hear this today. I was laughing so hard. I might just have to post this on my blog too. Thanks for sharing.

Jazz said...

I know I'm not a mom ,but I love it it is really cute! Along with her other one called "To Do List"

Celeste B. said...

I'm glad you liked it. I thought it was pretty funny. Too bad nobody but me takes naps anymore. :-) At least they are old enough to not totally trash the house anymore. If you think teenagers don't trash your house...think again!

Jesi said...

I love that even though im not a mom. Have you heard to do list its good.